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Resident Evil 4 Remake Review

Smart story changes and gameplay tweaks make for a remake that retains the spirit of what made Resident Evil 4 an all-time classic.


Derek Swinhart

Mar 31, 2023

Capcom has not only revived Resident Evil after the disaster of RE6 but also brought it into a new era of quality and consistency that the series has ever seen. Although, remaking an iconic title like Resident Evil 4 is another thing entirely, and no matter their track record, tackling this title is not something fans would likely take. Luckily, Capcom has nailed the Resident Evil 4 Remake with aplomb. It deftly avoids direct comparison by taking many of its liberties with level design and story while still wholly embracing the spirit of the original. The Resident Evil 4 Remake stands separate and alongside the original as a fantastic entry to the series and an unforgettable love letter to one of the best games of all time. 

The Good

The Resident Evil 4 Remake is a massive game; environments have been expanded and elaborated upon, new weapons and enemies have been added, and new story elements help flesh out characters and keep things tonally consistent.  The visuals are incredible; from the detail on enemy damage models and physics to the grimy environments, the RE Engine still feels far from showing its age. The classic gameplay perfectly translates to the more modern moving and shooting, where the fundamental loop of targeting enemy weak points and then round housing them into the dirt feels as good as it always has. The game is downright reverent when it comes to the hallmarks of RE4.

The Bad

The worst elements from the Resident Evil 4 Remake come from technical issues. While visually impressive, almost every version launched with separate graphical issues. Hair strands are broken on console, and the Xbox version sees issues with slow aiming and dead zone problems. PC sees several problems with some odd performance and broken chromatic aberration, and I also had the game crash on me a few times. Outside of technical problems, the Resident Evil 4 Remake’s issues will mostly come from personal preference regarding how the game tackles the original. This is a remake, undoubtedly, but it moves farther away from the source than the recent Dead Space Remake and may irk some longtime fans.

What Surprised Me

The Resident Evil 4 Remake is a sweeping overhaul of the original. I was worried it would be too different or similar, and Capcom has struck the perfect balance. The Resident Evil 4 Remake stands alongside the original but separately. Instead of replacing the classic RE4, we have two individually unique, spiritually linked games. I foresee fans continuing to repeatedly play the original while adding this remake to the pantheon of RE classics.

What Was Predictable

Can something be predictably good? Capcom has been on such a tear with their recent Resident Evil entries (the Resident Evil 3 Remake being the only slight stumble) that I fully expected the Resident Evil 4 Remake to be held to the same standard. If anything, I would have been more surprised if this remake had been a dud. Luckily, I think it was even better than I could have expected, and some classic elements of the original are somehow enhanced in ways I could never have expected. 

Bottom Line

The Resident Evil 4 Remake is a tour de force. It is an astounding achievement, paying homage to a classic while reinforcing exactly why it deserves to exist. The worst thing a remake can do is feel like it doesn’t justify itself, but the RE4 Remake is so good that everything coming after it will have impossible shoes to fill. Whether you are a fan of the series, the original, or survival horror in general, you cannot go wrong taking the plunge into this weird, melodramatic, and action-packed survival horror icon.

Visuals: 9

Immaculate from top to bottom, the RE engine is still trucking along. There are a few areas showing their age, but ultimately the RE4 Remake is an incredible looking game. Environments are sickeningly detailed; enemies are expressive, and the facial animation is of high quality.

Sound: 9

The crunch of roundhouse kicking Ganados will never get old. Every element of the RE4 Remake is crafted to enhance the experience, the new music is tense and epic, the new voice acting fits the characters perfectly (for the most part, I have issues with Krauser), and the sound design is subtly creepy. Enemies have new callouts, and to my surprise it relies rarely on classic lines or enemy barks.

Playability: 10

The RE4 Remake sings under pressure. It nails the dynamics and chaos of the original, fights are scrappy and require quick thinking and problem solving in the chaos. The loop of combat feels spiritually aligned with the original, but the ability to move and shoot has intensified combat and Capcom has ratcheted up the enemy count and insanity. This is a game that drags you through it just with the pure joy of combat, and each new encounter makes you want to continue into the nightmare.

Story: 9

I would have never believed it but gone is the schlocky glee of the original game. While this new remake adheres to the tone of the original, it goes down a darker path, and elaborates on characters, motivations, and relationships in a way the original could never hope to. Ashley is now a fully realized and likeable character as opposed to an escort object, and Louis gets his own complete arc. The characters this time around are genuinely likeable and relatable, not just goofy archetypes that are memorable more for their bad dialogue and backflip kicks.

Replay Value: 9

Resident Evil 4 is timeless, and I foresee this remake being no different. I still play the original to this day, almost twenty years later, and many will be doing the same twenty years from now. The Resident Evil Remake is chock full of content, difficulties, rewards, and more to make repeat playthroughs worthwhile. Fans will be replaying this game alongside the classics of the series.

Overall Grade: 9.5/10

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Derek Swinhart

Derek has worked in games journalism and PC gaming hardware and has a depth and breadth of experience across many genres. He plays almost everything but has a particular fondness for challenging games like the -Souls series and real-time strategy titles.


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